Whisperer, Tinkerer, Designer

For years I’ve been fascinated by generative art and computational processes for design and narrative development. I’ve been keen to explore the integration of ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dalle 2 and Runway ML into my design process. Will they replace a human operator? Not in the near term. But can they be used to generate new ideas and directions that could be refined? Absolutely. I’ve been using these programs to develop concepts for everything from user interfaces to branding.

Deep Frank

I was researching Frank Oppenheimer’s motivations to start the Exploratorium and found myself wondering -how he would answer the question, “Why do you think art and science are important today?” Frank passed away in 1985 so, as a substitute, I create this one-hour prototype of him giving an AI-generated, speculative, response to that question.

Ultimately I’d like to build this as an on-the-floor and online experience in which visitors can speak directly with Frank.

The spoken cadence is a bit stiff and the lack of mobility in his body is distracting but again, I made this in an hour.

  1. ChatGPT was used to create the speech.

  2. An audio sample of Frank speaking was uploaded to ElevenLabs to synthesize his speech.

  3. Connected an archived photo of Frank to the synthesized speech in D-ID to create the deep fake.

Dashboards concept art - Midjourney

Audio Interfaces - Midjourney

Buckminster Fuller robots- Midjourney

Furniture- Midjourney

Dust Concept Art - Midjourney